Integrations v1.0.0+



While using @nuxt/content module for content fetching and displaying, you may want to automatically optimize the main cover image for a single post out of the box. You can do this by using Cloudinary upload feature and modify the fetched document with content:file:beforeInsert hook.

To use $cloudinary inside any content hook, you need to add @nuxtjs/cloudinary before @nuxt/content in the modules property.

Assume structure of your content folder is as below:

-| content/
----| posts/
-------| hello-world-cover.png

And in content/posts/, we define the following YAML front matter block:

title: Hello World
image: hello-world-cover.png
description: A hellow world post

In which image points to the image file hello-world-cover.png located in the same directory.

To start optimizing the cover image defined in image field, we need to perform the following inside the handler for content:file:beforeInsert hook:

  • Check if the target image has been uploaded to your Cloudinary account according to its unique public id. We choose the public id according to the syntax - {post-file-name}-cover.

    If the image has been uploaded previously, retrieve the image's information with $cloudinary.explicit.

  • Else, upload the original image file to Cloudinary with the target public id defined in step 1, using $cloudinary.upload.

  • Replace image with the returned information.

import path from 'path'

export default {
  modules: [
  cloudinary: {
    cloudName: process.env.CLOUD_NAME,
    apiKey: process.env.API_KEY,
    apiSecret: process.env.API_SECRET_KEY,
  hooks: {
    'content:file:beforeInsert': async (document) => {
      if (document.extension !== '.md' || !document.image) return

      const { $cloudinary } = require('@nuxtjs/cloudinary')
      const publicId = `${document.slug}-cover`

      /* Get existing image from Cloudinary based on publicId */
      let asset = await $cloudinary.explicit(publicId, {
          type: 'upload'

      /* There is no image uploaded yet, so upload and save it */
      if (!asset) {
        asset = await $cloudinary.upload(
          path.join(__dirname, `content/posts/${document.image}`),
            public_id: publicId,

      /* Replace image with the return object */
      document.image = asset || {}

On the page component - posts/_slug.vue for displaying a single post, we can use CldImage to display the uploaded cover image responsively and lazily.

    <nuxt-content :document="document" />
export default {
  async asyncData({ $content, params, error }) {
    const slug = params.slug || ''
    const document = await $content(`posts/${slug}`)
      .catch(err => {
        error({ statusCode: 404, message: 'Page not found', err })
    return { document }

Check out CldImage documentation

Another approach is to use $cloudinary.image.url() to generate the optimized delivery URL and pass it to a regular img or picture element. The returned URL will already contain basic optimizations (f_auto for auto format delivered per browser, and q_auto for auto resolution quality per device) by default.

    <nuxt-content :document="document" />
export default {
  async asyncData({ $content, $cloudinary, params }) {
    const slug = params.slug || ''
    const document = await $content(`posts/${slug}`)

    const coverImage = document?.image?.public_id ?
      : ''

    return { document, coverImage }

Check out Image optimization documentation

Edit this page on GitHub Updated at Sun, Jun 18, 2023